Sunday, September 1, 2013

Where  is Qatar?  This is the most common question I have been asked in the last 6 months.  This is followed closely by "WHY are you going?  The why is very complicated and those who know me well are even surprised!  I am not sure I know how I ended up here but so far the adventure has been wonderful. Of course I have only had one day of work. (More about that in another entry)  BUT I can educate everyone about the country. This will help in understanding later blogs.

Qatar is a small peninsula country about the size of Connecticut connected to Saudia Arabia.  I like to call it a thumb sticking out into the Arabian Gulf.  (This body of water is called the Persian Gulf on the other shore).  Just go to Google Maps! The Qatari nationals do pronounce it Qa-tar. The British say it a little differently but the locals think the American pronunciation is fine. I know this because I asked a Qatari!

About 1.9 million people live in Qatar with the vast majority living in the capital of Doha. However, only about 300,000 are Qatari nationals.  The rest are like me - expats invited to work in this wonderful Middle Eastern country.

Qatar has vast revenues from its substantial hydrocarbon resources.  It has the highest per capita income in the world with approximately 17% of Qataris listed as millionaires. (Have not met one yet and they are unfortunately not looking for blonde Catholic American)

Sunni Muslim make up 71.5% of the population, followed by 10% Shi'a Muslim and 8.5% Christian. The muslims are called to prayer at sunrise which is about 4am right now. The call to prayer is a beautiful sound - very melodious and calming. It does not wake me but I seem to be awake at that time.

Qatar is the location of the US Central Command's Forward Headquarters, sharing the base with the Qatar military. The country is a member of OPEC, the Arab League and a founding member of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council).

Qatar became independent from Britain in 1971 and through careful ruling by the Al Thani family, has been able to turn around their economy to the present day manic building stage. I continue to be amazed at the amount of construction happening. Many of the sites are active 24 hours a day. I have a skyscraper going up next to my building. When I wake up for no apparent reason at 3am, I like to watch the very tall crane at work.
 Wow, that is a lot of info but I have been getting so many questions!  Please continue to send me messages either on this blog site or on Facebook and let me know what else you would like to know.

Now about why I have been asked to come have to wait till the next entry!

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